That's who we are

The company

Energy For Future believes in the transition to renewable energy and is moved by the goal of creating value in an environmentally sustainable way, where value is not only expressed as financial return for the company but mostly as the satisfaction of the needs of the present generation without imparting the possibility to satisfy the needs of future generation.

Thanks to the activity of searching for the best sites (scouting), the network and the design and study work of a team that includes, among the various companies of the Renx group, about 40 people distributed among Italy, Poland, Romania, Albania and Macedonia, E4F has the possibility to reach where a normal start-up could not aspire.


The company’s goal is not only to design renewable energy plants but also to produce and market innovative products or services with high technological potential, specifically: design, development, construction, operation and sale of renewable energy plants and energy storage technologies (an essential factor in optimizing renewable energy) through the use of innovative products and processes.

Our history and crowdfunding

September 2021

The foundation

The company was born from two well-established entities in the renewable energy sector, Clear Energy (Igor Siccardi) and SYMA Group (Marco Ferrara) on 23.09.2021. Leveraging on the consolidated experience and network of these two companies, joined in the RenX Group, E4F’s main shareholder, the company aims to develop wind, photovoltaic and hydroelectric plants in Italy and other EU countries


December 2021 - March 2022

In 2021, we had our crowdfunding campaign on Opstart.

It began in December 2021 and ended in March 2022. Throughout the collection period, we raised €235,000.

Where we are

E4F operates not only in Italy, but also in Poland, and may expand its scope in the future. Its operational offices are in Italy, Mondovì (CN) and Poland, Wroclaw, and its administrative headquarter is in Vicenza, Italy. 

Technologies & Key aspects



5 Key Aspects of the Renewable World


Solutions and actions are urgently needed for the biggest challenge of our time.


The electricity system is gradually turning towards decentralized production and integration with the transport sector.


Wind and photovoltaic plants no longer need incentives and are more competitive than fossil fuels in energy generation, even excluding the environmental cost borne by the most polluting sources. The tariffs proposed in the various EU countries are not a real cost for the community and guarantee stability to the investment by facilitating long-term credit and cash flow of the project


The transition from programmable (fuel) production centers to non-programmable centers (direct and indirect solar energy), opens up scenarios and opportunities in the battery, hydrogen and smart grid sectors.


For the greatest challenge of our time we need a new Marshall Plan. A large part of the national and EU resources are and will be relayed to accelerate the energy transition.